Grace School of Applied Diplomacy Study Abroad Scholarship

The Grace School of Applied Diplomacy (DPL) invites you to apply for the Study Abroad scholarship. Awards are available to DPL majors, double majors, minors and graduate students for tuition and fees associated with Study Abroad. All students awarded will be vetted through the Study Abroad Office and Financial Aid prior to the award being processed, and recipients of the award will be asked to provide written and/or video reports of their study abroad experience. Preference for this award goes to students with financial need, and merit may also be considered. There will be multiple awards given throughout the year. The scholarship is currently open for travel taking place in Academic Year 2023/2024. Preliminary approval may be given for trips in WQ and SQ 2024, but funds will not be disbursed until the student has matriculated in the class. The award will be opened again for the following year.

Note: The scholarship will not post until after the add/drop date in the term the student is traveling.
If you have any questions, please contact

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please indicate the program in which you are enrolled or intend to enroll. You must include the dates of the program/travel and the host institution (most will be DePaul). If possible, please include the course number and instructor.
  2. Why did you choose this particular Study Abroad Program?
  3. How will this program advance your future goals in Applied Diplomacy?
  4. How do you imagine study abroad will shape your character or change your perspective?