Schlanger Law Group Consumer Protection Scholarship for Law/Graduate Students

Schlanger Law Group Consumer Protection Scholarship for Law/Graduate Students
Schlanger Law Group is a consumer protection law firm with offices in New York City and Jackson, Mississippi. Our practice focuses on federal litigation on behalf of victims of identity theft, credit report inaccuracies, and other unfair consumer practices.

We are pleased to announce our Consumer Law Scholarship, which will award $1,500 to the law or graduate student who writes the best essay discussing the following question regarding the consumer protection laws of the United States:

Essay Question

Some consumer laws focus on making sure consumers are provided with detailed information about transactions they are entering into (e.g. detailed information regarding the costs of financing).

A second type of consumer law regulates and limits what sorts of contractual terms consumers and businesses can agree to, prohibiting certain contract terms that are deemed too favorable to business. Examples of this second type of consumer law include laws providing that certain types of products must come with a warranty; laws requiring banks to reimburse customers for charges incurred by identity thieves; and laws limiting the interest rates or other amounts and types of fees to be paid by the consumer.

A third type of consumer law prohibits false or misleading behavior by businesses and provides for relief and penalties for false or misleading conduct above and beyond what would be available under traditional theories of “fraud”, “breach of contract”, etc. Examples of this third type of consumer law include state and federal laws providing that a debt collector is liable for overstating a consumer’s balance, even if the consumer does not pay the overstated amount.

In a 750 – 1,000 word essay discuss whether or not you believe these three types of consumer laws are equally justifiable?

The scholarship will be awarded to one law or graduate student. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is July 30, 2020.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
Students must be currently enrolled in law school or graduate program within the United States

College seniors who will be graduating before the scholarship deadline and are able to provide proof of enrollment in a law school or graduate program at a U.S. accredited college or university are eligible to apply.

Application Requirements:
To apply for this scholarship, interested candidates should provide the following:

A current resume with contact and education information,

A current official or unofficial academic transcript from your most recent academic institution. College seniors graduating prior to the scholarship deadline must also submit proof of acceptance or enrollment in a U.S. law school or graduate program at an accredited college or university.

An essay of 750-1,000 words addressing the Essay Question.

To be considered for this year’s scholarship, please send all required documentation (essay transcripts, and resume) via email to

The deadline to apply is July 30, 2020

Scholarship application emails must include the subject line: “[Applicant’s Name] – Consumer Law Scholarship for grad students”.

Thank you for your interest in the Schlanger Law Group Consumer Protection Scholarship for Law/Graduate Students

External Scholarship Opportunities