The real estate market slowdown and its effect on foreclosures in 2023

There is much speculation on how the current foreclosure market will evolve due to a variety of factors such as:

Rising inflation costs.
Rising mortgage rates and higher monthly mortgage payments.
The expiration of COVID related forbearance and mortgage protection programs.
Discuss how these factors will change the foreclosure market in the coming year.
Many are predicting more foreclosure homes will come on the market due to these factors, but there is some debate on how fast these properties may become available. Will rising inflation rates along with higher monthly mortgage payments see this happen gradually as the year progresses? Or will the expiration of the COVID protection programs be funneling a larger number of properties into the foreclosure market more quickly?

Requirements: Here are the text requirements

Minimum 800 words
Maximum 2,000
Must have a title for the essay
Essay must be in English
Awards: Three winners will be selected

Top prize $4,000
Second and third place will receive $1000 each

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