Graduate Research Funding, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
The Graduate Research Funding (GRF) supports DePaul graduate students in their pursuit of research and scholarship. The program allows graduate students to receive funding for planning, implementation, and dissemination of research and scholarship at locations beyond DePaul, including virtual conferences. Providing financial assistance for conducting and presenting research at professional and academic conferences enhances the learning experiences of our students. This funding contributes to students’ overall academic experience, and more effectively meets the needs of graduate level training.
Students may apply for funding to attend an academic conference before submitting to or being accepted by a particular conference. This pre-approval process allows a student to determine if a given trip would be feasible with or without GRF Funding. (See the FAQs for more information about reimbursement policy and procedures.)
All full-time and part-time graduate students in good standing are eligible to apply twice each academic year (July-June). Priority is given to students with advanced standing. Selection is merit-based.
Travel Registration
Students are required to register international and non-local domestic overnight travel for DePaul purposes in the Global Engagement Travel Registration database.”
Travel Registration Information:
Travel Registration Application:
Travel advisory countries/regions:
GRF as a Singular Source of Funding
In rare cases, students apply to multiple sources of funding for the same trip. This includes funding sources (department or career center awards, grants, fellowships, etc.) that are internal and external to DePaul. This practice is allowed, but the GRF requires that you disclose this information in your application. Acceptance of a GRF award shall be understood as confirmation that the applicant has not already received full funding for the same request from another source and will not submit for reimbursement charges that will be covered by another funding source.
*Supported Activities *
This program is intended to provide graduate students with financial support to travel outside the city of Chicago to
• Engage in short-term, place-specific data collection, archival work, and/or creative activities
• Present original research/scholarship at regional, national, or international academic conferences
GRF funding may also be used to cover registration fees when a student presents original research at a virtual conference.
Criteria for Approval
The Executive Associate Dean in LAS will approve applications. Criteria include:
• A clear narrative in the application setting out the importance and value of a student’s proposed conference or research-based funding to the applicant’s professional development and graduate-level learning.
• Verified acceptance to present at an academic conference or the confirmation of a faculty member and Graduate Director of the scholarly value and necessity of a place-based research trip
• A clear and complete budget form and budget narrative in the format specified (see FAQs for more information). If a budget and budget narrative are not submitted, the application will be denied.
• Equitable distribution of funding, to include special consideration of first-time applicants
All applicants are required to review the award information found on the website including the FAQs. The policies and procedures surrounding this award are contained there and students are responsible for that information prior to applying. Please ensure your application is robust as you will not be allowed to provide a rewrite or further information.*
- Award
- Varies
- Scopes
- College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- Deadline
- 06/14/2024
- Supplemental Questions
- As explained in the Guidelines, the university requires that all students are required to register international and non-local domestic overnight travel for DePaul purposes in the Global Engagement Travel Registration database. Please upload your approval here.
- Have you previously applied for and received a GRF grant?
- Term of previous GRF Award.
- Have you received partial financial support for this specific project request from sources internal or external to the university? Please note, if you received full funding for this endeavor, you may not apply for the GRF.
- If "yes" to partial support, please detail the funding source and the specific components of this request that are already being funded.
- Current Project Title. (answer may not exceed 200 words)
- Is this an academic conference in which you are presenting?
- If yes, please upload of proof of selection. You may include acceptance email, letter or conference website/program that shows your name as the presenter.
- Is this site-specific research?
- Title of the presentation or research project/capstone/thesis/dissertation? (answer may not exceed 200 words) THIS MUST BE INCLUDED IN YOUR EMAIL TO YOUR FACULTY SPONSOR.
- If necessary did you receive IRB approval? Projects with human subjects, needing IRB approval, will not be awarded without proof of approval. If you have human subjects and are uncertain, contact your faculty sponsor.
- Other authors, if any?
- Description – Please do not provide your abstract. Describe your project. (answer may not exceed 500 words)
- Budget Narrative – See FAQs about what is required. (answer may not exceed 500 words)
- Budget – See guidelines and FAQs about what is necessary. admission fees to archives, etc. You do not need to upload a document, you may simply type out your expected expenses. You will only be reimbursed upon submission of itemized receipts. YOU MUST INCLUDE THIS IN AN EMAIL TO YOUR FACULTY SPONSOR SO THEY MAY CERTIFY YOUR BUDGET IS CORRECT.
- Please provide the name and email address of your LAS faculty sponsor. Remember to let them know they will be prompted, via email, for a response. EMAIL YOUR FACULTY SPONSOR ANY PERTIENT INFROMATION THEY MAY USE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT. THEY MUST HAVE YOUR BUDGET AND TITLE OF PRESENTATION/RESEARCH.
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