College of LAS Undergraduate Research Fund
Applicants must read the Student Guidelines before completing an URF application: By applying you certify that you understand the guidelines.
The Undergraduate Research Funding (URF) supports DePaul undergraduate students in their pursuit of research and scholarship. The program allows undergraduate students to receive funding for planning, implementation, and dissemination of research and scholarship at locations beyond DePaul, including virtual conferences. Providing financial assistance for conducting and presenting research at professional and academic conferences enhances the learning experiences of our students. This funding contributes to students’ overall academic experience, and more effectively meets the needs of undergraduate education.
Students may apply for funding to attend an academic conference before submitting to or being accepted by a particular conference. This pre-approval process allows a student to determine if a given trip would be feasible with or without URF Funding. (See the FAQs for more information about reimbursement policy and procedures.)
*The guidelines below address typical circumstances. As students prepare an application and speak or correspond with their faculty sponsor, the current restrictions above must be understood to modify the guidelines.
The Executive Associate Dean in LAS will approve applications. Criteria include:
• A clear and complete project description outlining the applicant’s project as it will be presented. This will typically be the conference “abstract” or “proposal” rewritten for a non-specialist audience.
• A brief but full statement of the relationship of the opportunity to the applicant’s professional development and undergraduate-level learning.
• Proof of Selection: Verified acceptance to present at an academic conference.
• A clear and complete budget form and budget narrative in the format specified (see FAQs for more information). If a budget and budget narrative are not submitted, the application will be denied.
• The endorsement of a full-time faculty member familiar with the student’s ongoing academic work
• Equitable distribution of available funding, to include special consideration of first-time applicants
Travel Registration
Students are required to register international and non-local domestic overnight travel for DePaul purposes in the Global Engagement Travel Registration database.”
Travel Registration Information:
Travel Registration Application:
Travel advisory countries/regions:
URF as a Singular Source of Funding
In rare cases, students apply to multiple sources of funding for the same trip. This includes funding sources (department or career center awards, grants, fellowships, etc.) that are internal and external to DePaul. This practice is allowed, but the URF requires that you disclose this information in your application. Acceptance of a URF award shall be understood as confirmation that the applicant has not already received full funding for the same request from another source and will not submit for reimbursement charges that will be covered by another funding source.
- Award
- Varies
- Scopes
- College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
- Deadline
- 06/14/2024
- Supplemental Questions
- Have you read all guidelines found here:
- Please upload your official transcript.
- As explained in the Guidelines, the university requires that all students are required to register international and non-local domestic overnight travel for DePaul purposes in the Global Engagement Travel Registration database. Please upload your approval here.
- Academic conference at which you are presenting?
- Date(s) of event, including travel dates?
- Current Project Title?
- Project Description: Provide a description of the project you will pursue with URF funds (not to exceed 300 words)
- Statement of the relationship of this opportunity to the applicant’s educational or career goals (not to exceed 500 words):
- Total amount requested.
- Budget – See guidelines and FAQs about what is necessary. You do not need to upload a document, you may simply type out your expected expenses. You will only be reimbursed upon submission of itemized receipts.
- What is your Budget Narrative?
- Upload of proof of selection. You may include acceptance email, letter or conference website/program that shows your name as the presenter. Please note that you may apply prior to being fully accepted. Please note that you are pre-applying in your statement (above). However, you will not be fully approved or reimbursed until a proof of selection/presentation is submitted.
- Have you received partial financial support for this travel from sources internal or external to the university? Please note, if you received full funding for this endeavor, you may not apply for the URF.
- If "yes" to partial support, please detail the funding source and the specific components of this request that are already being funded.
- Please provide the name and email address of your LAS faculty sponsor. Remember to let them know they will be prompted, via email, for a response.
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