Hall-Justice Law Firm Scholarship

Hall-Justice Law Firm will award a $1,000.00 scholarship to a person who is enrolled in (or has been accepted to) an accredited undergraduate (this includes two and four year colleges) or graduate school in the United States. To apply for this scholarship please write a 500 to 1,500 word essay providing information on a Indiana personal injury, wrongful death, or criminal defense law topic. Think of what a person who has just been injured in a car crash, or had a family member killed by a negligent driver might want to know when s/he looks at the Hall-Justice Law Firm website; or consider what information a person who has just been arrested might find useful. Look at the current Hall-Justice Law Firm website to see what topics are presently on it. If you see a topic that is missing or could be improved upon, then please write about it in a clear way that visitors to the website will be able to understand. If you make statements about Indiana law, where appropriate, please include legal case or statute citations. Not every statement has to have a legal citation. This is not a legal brief. Legal citations will not count towards the word count and are not required. Citations may be removed before any essay is posted on the website, or elsewhere, for clarity and ease of reading. While some statements about law may be the same, please do not plagiarize.

When you submit an essay you are agreeing to allow Hall-Justice Law Firm to publish it in any form, anywhere. It may be reworked, it may appear on the website, social media, in an email, video, or other format or place with or without your name on it. Essays should be submitted to scholarship@halljustice.com before midnight on December 15, 2022. A winner will be announced on January 17, 2023 and agrees to have their name and photo published on the Hall-Justice Law Firm website, on social media, in a newsletter, and to have it publicized to the media.

Required Application Materials:
Current resume in pdf format;
Essay of 500 to 1,500 words; and
Current unofficial transcript.
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2022 before midnight

Award Announcement: January 17, 2023

Scholarship Amount: $1,000.00

Application Instructions: Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials by email to: scholarship@halljustice.com

Please email any questions and any critiques of the website to scholarship@halljustice.com.

External Scholarship Opportunities