Obral, Silk & Pal Personal Injury Lawyers Scholarship

At Obral, Silk & Pal we strongly advocate for promoting safety awareness to prevent accidents and injuries. This scholarship provides an opportunity for students to contemplate the importance of safety measures and actively advocate for their adoption within their communities. The winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Applicants are required to submit an original essay of 750 words in length. The essay should address the importance of safety awareness by sharing a personal experience or hypothetical scenario where they or someone they know encountered a preventable accident due to the lack of safety measures. Applicants should discuss the lessons learned from the experience and how they can advocate for safety in their communities.

To qualify for the scholarship, applicants must fulfill the following requirements:

Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Be currently enrolled or about to enroll in an accredited undergraduate or graduate program, or community college in the United States.
High school students may apply if they have been accepted to an accredited college or university.
To apply for the Obral, Silk & Pal Personal Injury Lawyers Scholarship, applicants must submit the following documents via email:

Original 750 words essay on the topic specified above
Academic transcript that includes cumulative GPA
Resume including contact details

Application Deadline:

The deadline for applying and all required documents is February 10, 2025.
Submit your application along with all required documents via email to apal@216lawyers.com
The selected winner will be notified by email.

External Scholarship Opportunities