Pfister Family Law Leadership Excellence Scholarship

Eligible Students
If the applying student meets the following criteria, they will be eligible for the Leadership Excellence Scholarship:

Eligible Students
The student is currently or will be in the future a member of their university’s Greek life OR honors program.
The student achieved a 3.0 GPA or higher in their most recently completed academic semester.
The student is currently attending college as an undergraduate student at an accredited college or university within the United States for the upcoming semester. At this time, we are not accepting applications from prospective college students or graduate students.
The student will be at least 18 years of age upon distribution of the award.
Application Instructions
Application Instructions
We ask each student applying for our scholarship to answer the question below. The student’s answer can be in the form of an essay of 500-1000 words or a video of 4 minutes or less.

Many leaders have certain traits in common. For instance, leaders are often capable of inspiring others, they may be effective delegators, and they are likely to be confident and committed to achieving their goals. In your opinion, what are the best qualities of a leader? Which of your own traits have helped you to become a better leader?

Each applicant must also submit proof of enrollment, documentation of their grade point average, and consent to publish their essay.

Evaluation Process
Our scholarship team will evaluate each student’s application immediately following the deadline. We judge applications based on the following criteria:

Applicant meets all eligibility requirements and submitted all requested documents.

Applicant’s essay/video completely answers the provided prompt in a professional and organized manner.

Applicant’s essay/video is high in quality and creative in content.

External Scholarship Opportunities