DUOS Award

Full information pertaining to the program, expectations and guidelines can be found here: https://las.depaul.edu/academics/philosophy/student-resources/duos/Pages/default.asp. You are required to review this information prior to applying.

DUOS is a student-based grant opportunity blending the energy and skills of doctoral and undergraduate students in the Philosophy Department in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (a sister program exists in the Psychology Department in the College of Science and Health). This program enables DePaul undergraduates to do research with the guidance of a doctoral student mentor. The project is overseen by a faculty sponsor (typically the graduate student’s dissertation director).

Interested students, both undergraduate and graduate, should contact either their professors in the Department of Philosophy or else the Directors of Undergraduate or Graduate Studies in order to find appropriate research partners. Once the students, with the support of a faculty member, have decided on a collaboration, they should begin work on the proposal. The proposal should be written with the input of both students and should not exceed 1000 words. It should address the following:
  • the project’s research goals
  • the preparation of the students for this research project. This is particularly important for doctoral students who must show that they are prepared to act as mentors for this research
  • what the students stand to gain from this research
  • what sort of paper or final project will be produced
  • the research plan (frequency of meetings, etc.), explaining the feasibility of the project within the given timeframe
Once the proposal has been completed, the graduate student should initiate the application in the online system. Applications must be completed by November 8th.

Two DUOS awards are reserved for Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) applicants. According to the MAP website:

MAP is a collection of students in philosophy departments that aims to examine and address issues of minority participation in academic philosophy. Though primarily led by graduate students, MAP also relies on faculty support and encourages undergraduate participation. Currently, MAP has 134 chapters throughout the world (http://www.mapforthegap.com/about.html).

The goal of these awards is to ensure a space for students who identify as belonging to minority groups in academic philosophy to develop projects informed by their minority experience. We understand the term “minority” broadly. Some examples of minority groups in philosophy include, but are not limited to, people of color, women, LGBTQI+, first generation college students, differently abled people, among others. Students belonging to or identifying as minorities are especially encouraged to apply regardless of the topics of their projects. Students who do not belong to or identify as part of minority groups, but who are working in minority areas of philosophy (feminist, decolonial, post-colonial, Africana, Latin American, Asian, queer theory, Latinx, Chicana, Native American, and disability studies, among others) are also encouraged to apply. In order to be considered for one of the two MAP DUOS awards, please respond to the following questions. If you choose to be considered for one of the MAP DUOS awards but do not receive one, your application will still be eligible for one of the other DUOS awards.

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you confirm that you have completed the review of guidelines? (You are required to read through the information found here: https://las.depaul.edu/academics/philosophy/student-resources/duos/Pages/default.aspx).
  2. Project Title:
  3. Was the graduate previously funded for DUOS?
  4. Name and email of undergraduate partner?
  5. Was the undergraduate previously funded for DUOS?
  6. Those applying for the Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) DUOS awards should answer the following questions (for information about the MAP DUOS program please see above or here https://las.depaul.edu/academics/philosophy/student-resources/duos/Pages/default.aspx)Are you and/or your DUOS partner members of minority groups? Please see scholarship description for more information on MAP DUOS selection.
  7. If you responded affirmatively, and wish to self-identify, please specify the minority groups you and/or your DUOS partner belong to or identify with (this is not required).
  8. Is your DUOS research in a minority area of philosophy?
  9. If your answer is yes, please specify the minority area in philosophy to which your research relates.
  10. Name and email of Faculty Sponsor.
  11. Please upload your proposal.
  12. Show 6 more