Carlos Hernandez Meritorious Endowed Award for Undergraduate Journalism

Awarded to a talented undergraduate student enrolled as a journalism major in the College of Communication (CMN), the Carlos Hernandez Meritorious Endowed Award for Undergraduate Journalism provides tuition support for a student completing an internship in the field of journalism.


  • Journalism major (preferred) - or - College of Communication major with either a Journalism or Latino Media and Communication minor
  • Minimum Junior standing (at least 96 hours completed) or above
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Successful completion of two of the four core Communication courses (CMN 101, 102, 103, 104)
  • Successful completion of at least two journalism courses
  • Demonstrated financial need (as indicated by the Office of Financial Aid from a filed FAFSA)

Additional Considerations
The following criteria may also be taken into account:

  • Whether a student is Latinx
  • A demonstrated a commitment to supporting or working with Latinx communities, including covering issues related to Latinx communities as a journalist
  • Dedication to furthering Latinx cultural activities or focusing on Latinx studies at DePaul

Applicants of the Carlos Hernandez Meritorious Endowed Award for Undergraduate Journalism must secure an approved internship for credit with the College of Communication Internship Program for the Fall 2024 term for consideration. Applicants currently in the process of submitting a CMN Internship Proposal are welcome to apply for consideration. The scholarship will be applied to the selected recipient’s student account after an approved internship and CMN internship course enrollment is confirmed with the College of Communication Internship Program. If awardee(s) are unable to secure an approved internship with the CMN internship program for Fall 2024, the scholarship is forfeited.

Contact Shena Ramsay with questions at For detailed information on the College of Communication Internship Program, visit

About Carlos Hernandez Gomez
The Carlos Hernandez Meritorious Endowed Award for Undergraduate Journalism was established at DePaul University to honor the memory of noted Chicago journalist, Carlos Hernandez Gomez. Known for his trademark fedora and his vast knowledge of Illinois politics, Carlos covered local and national news stories for both CLTV and WBEZ-FM. He died of cancer on January 17, 2010 at the age of 36. Carlos had been a student at DePaul during the mid-1990’s, writing for the The DePaulia student newspaper and working as a disc jockey for WRDP radio (now Radio DePaul) during his tenure. It is the hope of the Carlos Hernandez Meritorious Scholarship in Journalism committee that this scholarship fund will help younger generations of talented DePaul students fulfill their aspirations to enter the field of journalism.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Why did you choose to study journalism? What are your future career goals?
  2. Explain your connection to a Latinx community and/or the types of relevant issues important to Latinx communities that you’d like to explore as a journalist.
  3. List your extra-curricular activities. Include a brief description of the organization, your role and any leadership position held.
  4. Please list at least two Communication Core courses (CMN 101, CMN 102, CMN 103 or CMN 104) you have successfully completed to date. Include the term completed and final grade.
  5. Please list at least two Journalism courses you have successfully completed to date. Please list the term completed for each with the final grade.
  6. If you have already secured an internship for the current term, please provide the position title, dates of participation, and a summary of duties.
  7. Please review and indicate your understanding of the following:
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