Value-Creating Education Scholarship

The Institute for Daisaku Ikeda Studies in Education, through its Value-Creating Education scholarship, provides recognition and financial assistance to students enrolled in either the Master of Education (MED) or Doctor of Philosophy of Education (PhD) degree program in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship who are in good academic standing. The Value-Creating Education scholarship award provides up to $15,000 in tuition support for recipients. The scholarship shall be used only for tuition for courses required for the recipient’s respective degree (MEd or PhD) in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship. In order to remain eligible, student award recipients must be enrolled in their degree program-required courses throughout the full academic year and may only take off quarters with written approval by the program director if their required courses are not offered at that time.

The scholarship shall not be used to retake courses the recipient has failed, dropped, or withdrew from after the approved drop period, or for which the recipient has not received a grade sufficient to receive credit for degree program requirements. Recipients shall not receive funding during quarters they are not enrolled.

To qualify, applicants must:
-Be a graduate student enrolled in the Master of Education (MEd) program or the Doctor of Philosophy of Education (PhD) program in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship
-Demonstrate good academic standing
-Demonstrate financial need
-Additional consideration may be given to students from underrepresented populations or underrepresented geographic locations in the field of value-creating education or those who demonstrate an interest in or commitment to working with underrepresented populations.
-Preference may also be given to students who have an interest in practicing or conducting scholarship on value-creating education over the long term or those who demonstrate a record of service and commitment to the ideals of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei Toda, and Daisaku Ikeda.

College of Education
Supplemental Questions
  1. After graduating, how do you plan to apply/use your degree in Value-Creating Education for Global Citizenship in scholarship and/or practice?
  2. Where are you from (country) and what are the implications of this on where and the population with whom you intend to work after graduating?
  3. Describe the way your financial need impacts your ability to successfully navigate your education.