Therman Law Offices Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria
This scholarship is open to any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate, graduate, or professional program in the United States. This includes accredited community college students as well as high school seniors and students who possess a GED who have been accepted to or are enrolled in an accredited program.
The scholarship applicant must be dedicated to trying to pursue a legal career and be able to demonstrate this commitment in their essay.
All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above.

Essay Prompt & Questions

Respond to the following prompt and questions in an essay of 1,000 words or less:

Why do you want to pursue a legal career?
What is one moment of failure that you most benefited from and why?
What major issue in society are you most passionate about solving as a law student?
Required Application Materials

Current Resume in PDF format;
Essay: 800-word minimum and 1,000-word maximum. Visual creativity encouraged; and
Current, unofficial transcript.

Application Instructions
Scholarship applicants must submit all application materials by email to: _

If you have questions, please feel free to email

External Scholarship Opportunities