Graduate Assistant Application - DCB School of Accountancy

This opportunity is open only to students in the MSA, MSAA, or MST programs.

Graduate Assistants support the department faculty with teaching and research activities. Responsibilities include tutoring ACC 101/102, conducting ACC 101 Lab sections, grading assignments and organizing class materials, research assistance for accounting faculty, and other departmental support for various activities and curriculum.

The role is on campus, in person, requiring 20 hours per week and enrollment in 8-12 credits each quarter. GAs typically do not work a job off campus and are expected to be available during the regular academic year – fall, winter, spring.

Applications are due April 30 and finalists will be reviewed in May.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit your current resume.
  2. Submit your undergraduate transcript. (This can be an unofficial copy.)
  3. Submit your graduate transcript (if you are already taking classes at DePaul).
  4. What is your graduation month/year for your bachelor's degree?
  5. What is your graduation month/year for your master's degree?
  6. How many classes (1, 2, 3, or 4) do you plan to take each quarter?
    • Fall Quarter
    • Spring Quarter
    • Winter Quarter
  7. Submit a personal statement in 700 words, single spaced, describing your qualities, interest in this role, and experience (academic, professional, research, and/or tutoring) that distinguish yourself as an applicant. Submit as a Word document.
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